Saturday, April 18, 2009

Food and Drink

Chinese Tea

China is the homeland of tea. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China such as:

• Green tea is the most natural of all Chinese tea classes

• Black Tea: produces a full-bodies amber when brewed

• Brick Tea (Compressed Tea)

• Scented/Flower Tea is an unique class of Chinese tea

• Wulong tea is both refreshing and delicious

Basket Cookies

Basket cookies, usually Indonesian people called it as kue keranjang, got the highest interest among people usually towards Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year is always become a sedulously event for Chinese people in Indonesia. Everything starts from paperweight decoration for the house, brand new clothes until nourishment of Chinese New Year has been commonly appeared. One of the most unforgettable items of Chinese New Year for the Chinese society is basket cookies (kue keranjang). Chinese people in the ancient time believe that “anglo” (cooking instrument) in every kitchen in the house has a god that posses it called Hearth God. They believe the God was sent by Yik Huang Shang Ti or the heavenly king. The Hearth God task is to monitoring every activity in the house when it comes to serve meal for the family. In the end of the year every date 24th and the 12th month ( D-6 from Chinese new year), they believe the Hearth God went back to the heaven and reported back all his assignment to the heavenly king. To prevent unpleasant things occur, people starts to have an idea to serve a best meal to keep the Hearth God from being mad. They hope with this “bribe” the Hearth God will went back to the heavenly king and report positive things from the people thee monitored and to report positive act on earth. The “bribe” was something sweet who people made, which is a cookies that was put on a basket. That’s where the basket cookies term comes from, which has been a patrimonial every year for Chinese people to make it and celebrate Chinese New Year. The shape of the cookies must be round, this symbolize that the family who celebrating the Chinese new year is in harmony, a family that could gather even for once in a year, also a family that is united, harmonious, and high determined to face the new days of upcoming year.


The chinese’s traditional bread called Mantao has history inside the size and benefit from that steamed bun.

The history of provenance Mantao in China during dynasty period as follow:

The story comes from three kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang, which creates strategy to defeat Man ethics and to catch Meng Huo from Man ethics. Zhuge Liang led campaigns which argue Meng Huo from Man ethics. Inside long journey, the soldier had a notion that the weakness of soldier morality because witchcraft enemy and ask heaven soldier to help them by using human head for dedication. So that, the soldier ask Zhuge Liang do like enemy action. Zhuge Liang approved the soldier request but he didn’t want to any more bloodshed so Zhuge Liang who had smart brain and many strategies ask the soldier to take pork meat and sheep to cover the batter resemble human head. The rumor being extended and the soldier belief that big bun which resemble human head is head from Man ethic. The intelligence of Zhuge Liang was increase soldier morality and make them stronger to faced Man ethic with their heaven soldier. With the struggle of spirit the Zhuge’s soldier succeed to defeat Man ethic and catch Meng Huo. From that accident, Man tuo or Man human head being famous that many people consume it.

From beginning mantou have a size like human head and filled meat and use to serve trimming tribute. After Dynasty Tang and Song period, Mantou change becomes dessert and the size also smaller than before. Now, Mantou made without filling and with meat filled on bun name baozi or bakpao. There is several kind of baozi like cha siu bao filled with red roast meat and tou sau bao filled red beans but Mantao can be offer with fried or steamed with dipping in sweetened-milk.

Chinese community eat and share this cake as a way to thanks and pray to God for welfare and fortune they get through this year. Behind the taste and appearance that looks so sweet, this cake might hidden an interesting story in the past. Although the version are countless, but all of them has a great value of philosophy in it.

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